неділя, 17 лютого 2019 р.

ТЕМА Погляд на молодь

Перекладіть дані вирази на українську мову:
to compromise or to meet people halfway-
to try and see other people`s points of view-
to find lifelong friends-
to keep fit by doing more exercise and having a healthy diet-
not to think too much about their looks, to concentrate on really-
not to make an idol of anyone-
to develop a positive attitude to life and people-

вівторок, 5 лютого 2019 р.

завдання для групи 24ок

Answer the following questions about the United Nations Organisation:

1. Is it an international organisation?
2. When was it established?
3. What was its aim?
4.What did the first fifty members pledge?
5. How many countries does the UNO comprise?
6. What are its aims nowadays?

Відповіді на запитання напишіть у зошитах.

неділя, 3 лютого 2019 р.

Завдання для групи 24ок

Answer the questions about the Council of Europe:
1. What kind of organisation is this?
2. When was it founded?
3.What are its aims?
4.Where is its headquarter?
5. What are its official languages?
6.What are the Council`s bodies?